Jiri Everest Base Camp Trek

Jiri Everest Base Camp Trek
At a Glance
  • Trip Duration25 Days
  • Destination Nepal
  • Trip Grade Strenuous
  • Max. Altitude 5545,m (kalapathar)
  • Starts at Kathmandu
  • Ends at Kathmandu
  • Activities Trekking
  • Best Time April-May / Oct-Nov
  • Jiri Everest Trek -First Everest Trekking Route
  • Spectacular View of world highest Mountain-Mt. Everest, Amadablam, Lhotse, Nuptse, Pumori from Kala Pather 5545m
  • Challenging Trekking with Adventurous Remote High Cho-la Pass 5420metres, 
    Beautiful Gokyo Valley and Gokyo Lake
  • Best monasteries in Everest Region- Tengboche monastery
  • Experience Traditional Sherpa Culture
  • Buddhism Religion
  • Fully Tea House Trek  

Jiri - Everest Base Camp Trek follows the trial in the Everest region. Everest Region is well known for the world's highest mountain the glorious Mount Everest (8848m). This region is also a piece of heaven on Earth for trekkers and it has four of the world's 14 highest peaks: Everest, Lhotse, Kanchanjunga, Cho-yu among other mountains. The region is one of the most popular trekking areas though slightly more difficult to get to. This is also the home of the famous Sherpa people (well known for their climbing stamina and courage).

To get to this wonderful place, one can fly to Lukla from Kathmandu or get a bus to Jiri, the second choice is for those who want to do a classic trek and is the best way to acclimatize as well. Gokyo and the Everest Base Camp are two of the most popular trekking routes.

A1 Excursion Adventure offers you 25 days Jiri Everest Base Camp Trekking and believes in providing excellent services with a tailor-made trip for you with popular route map and trekking itinerary as well as cost detail. We, A1 Excursion Adventure look forward to guide you challenging popular Jiri Everest Base Camp Trekking in Nepal for a life time memory

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We will welcome you at Tribhuvan International Airport upon your arrival and transfer you to the hotel for the overnight stay.

    Today we take an early morning drive to Jiri, about 187 km north-east of Kathmandu. Since, we would be travelling on the mountain roads, it takes around 6-7 hrs to reach Jiri.

      From Jiri, we continue driving to Bhandar, our trek start point. Although still a single lane road, the road conditions have improved a lot nowadays than what it used to be till some years ago. Enjoy the views of Kosi River and panoramic views of the eastern Himalaya including Ganesh Himal, Langtang Lirung and Dorje Lakpa. Overnight at Bhandar.

        Descend the trail from Bhandar through deep forests crossing a few streams passing the small settlements of Dokharpa and Baranda. Climb through the forests winding down to the Surma Khola. Continue to Likhu Khola Valley. Climb the ridge making up to the small settlement of Kenja. Another steep ascent to Chimbu and continuing further we finally reach Sete. Overnight at Sete.

          An uphill climb to Lamjura La through forests of pine, magnolia, maple, birch and rhododendrons. Pass by the villages of Dagchu and Goyem. Lamjura La pass at 3530 meters, the highest point between Jiri and Namche Bazar, offers a paroramic view of the surrounding green mountains. Desend down the pass to Tragdobuk and Junbesi. Spend the afternoon here exploring the village and the way of life of its inhabitants. Overnight at Junbesi.

            Cross the stream beyond Junbesi climb up the forest slope and after an hour's trek, the mesmerizing views of the Himalaya mountains appears before our eyes. The mountains that are visible include Everest, Lhotse, Nupte, Makalu, Thamseruku, Mera Peak, and many other high mountains. This is the first view of Everest on this trek, although the lower peaks look closer and higher than the distant 8,000er mountains. Continue the trail to Salung and descend to Ringmo Khola. Ascend to Ringmo, cross the Trakshindo La pass and descend to Trashingdo. After another hour's desent through conifer and rhododendron forests, and terraced fields, we finally arrive at Nuntala. Overnight at Nuntala

              Descend down the trail to the Dudh Koshi River. We follow the Dudh Koshi River as we head upward to Khumbu. Another steep climb finally takes us to Payan. Overnight at Bupsa.

                From Payan, our trail climbs continously.Then the trail moves down to Phakding. Overnight stay at Phakding.

                  Walking through a beautiful pine forest, the track leads us along the Dudh Koshi River through many suspension bridges, one of which is the famous Hillary Suspension Bridge. First, we catch wonderful prospect of the glistening Mt. Thamserku (6618 m). Through the settlement of Benkar, Chumoa, Monjo, we come to the check post and entrance to Sagarmatha National Park. We pass through the last village of Jorsale before reaching Namche Bazaar. The trail climbs through the forests and bridges until we reach the confluence of the Dudh Koshi and Bhote Koshi rivers. After a final steep ascent of about two hours we get first sight of Mt. Everest peering over the Lhotse-Nuptse ridge. We stop at Chautara to admire the view. We still need to hike about 1.5 hours to reach Namche Bazaar, a gateway to Mt. Everest and main trading centre of this region. We stay overnight in Namche Bazaar

                    This is the scheduled 'acclimatization' day for this trek. Health experts always recommend us to stay active and moving during the rest day too instead of being idle. We either spend the day taking a day hike to Thame or visiting Khunde or relaxing and exploring Namche Bazaar itself. If we trek a few hundred vertical feet during the day, it will help us to properly acclimatize. Our guides will take us to the Tourist Visitor Center near the headquarter of the Sagarmatha National Park where we can observe an assortment of things related to the first Everest ascenders, Sherpa culture and learn about the various plant and animal life of the Everest region. We also take an interesting side trip up to Khumjung. We climb up to the famous airstrip at Syangboche. Just above the airstrip is the Everest View Hotel, a Japanese scheme to build a deluxe hotel with great views of the highest mountains on Earth. The Khumjung valley is surrounded by the snowy peaks of Kongde and Thamserku and the scared peak Khumbila, hosts a well known monastery that houses a yeti scalp. We also visit Hillary School which is at the same site. Overnight in Namche Bazaar.

                      Trek From Namche Bazaar to Dole (4200 m). 8h walking Early in the morning, hike up to Mochermo. You can get clear views of snowy peaks, mountains and vegetations. You can observe their living style and culture. People over here irrigate the crops for their needs and earn their income. Farming and lodging are the main occupation of Dole people. It takes 5 hours to reach Dole from Namche Bazaar. Take overnight rest at Guest house in Dole.

                        Crossing Dole, you will be headed for Mochermo which is the way to Gokyo. On the way to Gokyo, you can get an excellent view of the valleys. It takes about 6 hours to reach Mochermo from Dole. We have to climb the terminal moraine of the Ngozumpz glacier. Ngozumpa Glacier is one of the major places of attraction because of its appearance in the world’s second largest glaciers. Stay overnight at fine Guest house in Mochermo.

                          Your nearest way to the wonderful village Gokyo begins here. At morning, you will be starting trekking towards Gokyo. Gokyo village is our main destination to be reached. You have to trek via Ngozumpa Glacier where the trail selects its zigzagged path. You can take the close views of Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Cho Oyu, Mt. Nuptse, Mt. Pumori, Mt. Thamserkum, Mt. Amadablam, Mt. Kusum Khagaru, Mt. Kongde and so many on the way to Gokyo. Gokyo village is situated on the northern shore of Dudh Pokhari which looks amazingly outstanding. Although it is far from the urban city but it doesn’t lack any facilities for its customer. This village is the main attraction of the trek. Gokyo valley trekking is an alternative route to traditional trails to the Everest Base Camp. Tonight stay at the Guest house in Gokyo. 

                            Today is the day for acclimatization in Gokyo. But if you are interested then you can go for hiking up to Gokyo Ri early in the morning to see the amazing views of Gokyo village. Gokyo Ri is an excellent view point in Everest Region. You have to hike up 4 hours to reach Gokyo Ri. Get the memorable views and descend back to Gokyo. Overnight at Guest House in Gokyo.

                              Along the way of Cho La Pass trek you will be passing grazing settlement of Yak 

                                On this day you will be trekking to the Chola Pass ( one of the main pass) from the Chola buttom.

                                  Continue along the moraine of the glacier, with views of Kalar Pattar and Pumori to reach Lobuche at 4930m for your evening stay. 

                                    Early this morning you begin your trek, which will prove to be both mentally and physically demanding. Above Lobuche, we follow the path running through alongside the Khumbu Glacier. Continuing on over rough ground we reach Gorak Shep, where a short break is offered to replentish fluids. A walk for a further hour and a half reaches Kala Pattar, a small, rocky peak on the southwest ridge of Pumori. Stop and turn around: the scenery is fantastic. It is a hard climb, but the view from the top surpasses the wildest imagination. Huge creaking glaciers surround us and classic views of Everest are available.  Trek to Ebc and then again trek back to Gorakshep through the same route.

                                      Today is the climax of our trip. We start early in the morning to catch the dramatic views from Kala Patthar witnessing the first light of day shining on Mount Everest. However, we need to get prepared for an early morning, dark and cold temperature (-10 to -14 C) departure beforehand. Plus there is always the potential for chilly winds which are quite common. Familiar peaks such as Lingtren, Khumbutse, Changtse tower to the east even as Everest begins to reveal itself emerging between the west shoulder crest and Nuptse. During the ascent to Kala Patthar we can pause to catch our breath at several outstanding view points to snap pictures. After several hours of an ascent, we reach Kala Patthar. Trek to EBC from Kalapathar and then trek back to Gorakshep on the same day. On being back to Gorak Shep,  Overnight in Gorakshep

                                        On being back to Gorak Shep, we have breakfast followed by a gradual descend down to Pheriche for a good night's rest. Overnight in Pheriche.

                                          We will trek down through the hillside blanketed by rhododendron and juniper trees. If it's spring, pink and red rhododendron flowers ablaze our surroundings. Depending on our hunger and condition, we either have our lunch in Pangboche or wait until we reach Phunki Tenga for lunch. After crossing the prayer flag festooned bridge over the Dudh Koshi River trail then follows the Dudh Koshi gorge descending rapidly through the pine forests. The path eventually reaches Sansa which is the major trail junction in the region. We stop at Kyangjuma (3570 m/11,710 ft) for a relaxed lunch. 

                                            Today morning after breakfast, we walk down gently with zigzag trail Bridge and cross by suspension bridge over Dudh Koshi River which takes 1 and half hour. Then we climb up with stone steps until reaching in Kyangjuma. Then trail stays on level until reaching Namche which takes about 3 hrs.We descend on the ridge of Namche until suspension bridge, then trail continues on the river bank of Dudh Kooshi River until reaching Jorsalle> We cross again another suspension bridge and arrive after a short climb to Monjo where we need to exit our national park permit. 

                                              The trail descends steeply downward so we need to walk slowly and under control as our shaky legs continuously battle the rocky terrain. After crossing the suspension bridges over the fast flowing Dudh Koshi and its tributaries the trail becomes more level and natural. By today we start to get warmed up by the light breeze. Any remaining sore throats and colds will be gone by today as we pass through this charming mountain air. Although we are travelling the same route down, we feel completely different views. We snap a mixture of open plains, rhododendron and pine forests, and in the distance snow covered peaks. We walk through the Sherpa villages' noticing impressive faith in Buddhism and culture of prayer stones and prayers flag while we walk through the villages. On arrival in Lukla, we stretch those sore legs and recall the experiences of the last couple of weeks. We experience the culmination of a fantastic trek on a happy note with everyone back safe and sound with smile on their faces! Overnight in Lukla

                                                We fly back to Kathmandu after our long mountain journey. The early morning flight drops us at Kathmandu. You can rest and relax throughout the day in your hotel. If get interested to take some gifts home from Nepal for friends and relatives, visit to some nearby shops or venture out in Thamel for typical Nepalese goods which can be assisted by our guides or you can do it yourself too. If you want to explore any other areas of Kathmandu take the time to do that today! To celebrate the successful completion of our journey, we will have a farewell dinner in the evening. Overnight in Kathmandu.

                                                  Free until departure and fly back to home. We will drop you at the airport.

                                                    Cost Includes
                                                    • Airport Pick off and Drop off.
                                                    • During the trekking – Meals 3 times a day: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with a cup of Tea/Coffee
                                                    • Accommodation in teahouses while in the trek
                                                    • Sagarmatha National park entry permits and TIMS 
                                                    • A guide and a necessary porter,
                                                    • Equipments like sleeping bags, down jackets, ground transportation (returnable)
                                                    • All necessaries for Nepalese staffs (all meals, accommodation in tea houses, equipments, Salary, insurance etc).
                                                    • Boiled water with iodine.
                                                    • Flight:Lukla - Kathmandu for Guest and Guide.
                                                    • During the trekking – Meals 3 times a day: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with a cup of Tea/ Coffee
                                                    • Sleeping bags and down jackets for all guest during the whole trek.
                                                    • An Exclusive Medicine Kit.
                                                    • Transportation from Kathmandu to Jiri by Bus
                                                    • All government service and charges.
                                                    Cost Excludes
                                                    • Any bar bills (alcoholic drinks, mineral water, cold drinks), cigarettes, 
                                                    • Client’s personal insurance.
                                                    • Any kind of unforeseen expenses etc.
                                                    • Personal Equipment 
                                                    • All personal expenses.
                                                    • Rescue charge.
                                                    • Tips, donations and chocolates. 
                                                    • Airport departure tax.
                                                    • Excess baggages charges in domestic flights.
                                                    • Lunch and dinner while not in trekking.
                                                    Departure Dates
                                                    Select a Departure Month
                                                    Date PriceStatus 
                                                    Start DateStarts: SundaySep 22, 2024End DateEnds: WednesdayOct 16, 2024PricePriceUS$2099StatusStatusAvailable
                                                    Useful Information

                                                    Case of weather change, flight can delay some time.

                                                    WHAT TO BRING

                                                    Trekking/Hiking Gears (Equipments)

                                                    • Duffel or Rucksack bag (If do not have then Duffel Bag Provided Returnable)
                                                    • Down Sleeping Bag (Provided Returnable)
                                                    • Inner Liner (Provided Returnable)
                                                    • Down Jacket (Provided Returnable)
                                                    • Daypack
                                                    • Hiking pants
                                                    • Water & wind proof  jacket
                                                    • Full – sleeves shirt
                                                    • Jumper or Fleece jacket
                                                    • Pair of T – Shirts
                                                    • Trekking boots (waterproof is better)
                                                    • Sandal, Toilet paper,
                                                    • COTTON THICK SOCKS(2 PAIRS)+Polypropylene/woolsocks(1PAIRS)
                                                    • Light cotton socks for under wool socks
                                                    • Woolen socks to wear with boots
                                                    • Sun hat
                                                    • Gloves
                                                    • Scarf
                                                    • Sun block (lotion) and lip Guard
                                                    • Moisture Cream
                                                    • Goggles or Sunglasses
                                                    • Thermal Long underwear Sets
                                                    • Insulated pants
                                                    • Trekking poles
                                                    • A pair of Crampon
                                                    • wind Breaker pants
                                                    • Water bottle
                                                    • Medical & first aid kit (Provided)
                                                    • Any personal special medicine
                                                    • Flash light or head lamp
                                                    • Batteries and bulbs
                                                    • Swiss army knife
                                                    • Mobile or Camara  charging cable with Adaptor
                                                    • Personal Dry towel
                                                    • Personal toiletries and medication which should be labeled.
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